Top Predictions for Healthcare in the Metaverse in the Next Decade

The metaverse is a virtual reality environment that many tech companies are betting will be the next big thing. There's a lot of buzz about what the metaverse will look like and how it might impact people's everyday lives; however, it's still more concept than reality at this stage. What will the metaverse look like, and how might it impact healthcare in the coming decade? The Blockchain Impact Many people believe that the metaverse will evolve into an extension of what we currently call virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) (AR). Using a headset, people would enter the metaverse and find themselves in a networked digital environment that they could use for work, leisure, or socializing. In recent years, there have been so many technological advances in VR that many tech titans such as Facebook (now Meta) and Nvidia are investing significant sums to be at the forefront of metaverse development. Early indications are that healthcare will be one of the main benefic...