5 Predictions That Will Reshape Healthcare In 2023

As technology continues to advance and medicine continues to evolve, the healthcare sector is going through massive changes. With that in mind, here are five predictions about healthcare in 2023 which will reshape the industry. A surge in value-based care The healthcare industry is evolving at a rapid pace. In fact, it’s difficult to keep up with the changes in the industry because there are so many new innovations coming out every day. One of those new innovations is value-based care, which encompasses a broad range of payment models in which healthcare providers are incentivized to provide better care at lower costs. With this shift toward value-based care, hospitals and other healthcare providers will need to adapt their compensation models accordingly. Here are five predictions that will reshape healthcare in 2023: 1. New payment models will emerge that reward quality over cost-cutting measures 2. Hospitals will begin offering financial incentives for patients who parti...