What the Future of Home Health Rehab Looks Like After Coronavirus

Since the late 1990s, there has been a steady increase in the number of conditions that can be treated using web-based remote monitoring services. This is thanks to the development of mobile computers and technological tools that give rehab professionals a set of automated tools to improve the quality of patient care and maximize the profitability of the business.

The future of home health care looks bright as several organizations work to improve the standard and quality of health care.


Benefits of Rehabilitation in Injury Recovery

The restoration method focuses on six main areas:

1.       Comorbid diseases and medical complications must be avoided, recognized and treated.
2.       Training to achieve maximum independence.
3.       Improving the psychological coping and adaptive skills of the patient and family.
4.       Prevention of secondary disability by promoting reintegration into the community, which includes the return to home, family, leisure, and work activities.
5.       Improving the quality of life in the face of residual impairment.
6.       Mitigating recurrent problems.

Physical benefits

1.       Increases physical performance, relieves pain and strengthens muscles.
2.       Improves balance.
3.       Reduces the likelihood of falling
4.       Improves coordination, flexibility and joint mobility
5.       Reduces swelling in affected joints and muscles.
6.       Prevents limb abnormalities and problems
7.       Reduces unnecessary problems by improving gait and posture.

Psychological benefits

  1. 1.      Improves your self-esteem and your ability to cope psychologically with your illness or injury.
  2. You become more independent and can regain your pre-injury mental well-being.

Lifestyle benefits

  1. Participation has increased
  2. Reduced dependence
  3. Better quality of life
  4. Earlier return to work, which can alleviate financial concerns and improve social participation
  5. You are encouraged to return to exercise, which has a positive impact on your health and well-being - you also improve your overall health when you can exercise to your full potential.

Economic Advantages

There are several ways in which rehabilitative intervention might save money in the setting of health and social care. For example, it can:

1.       Enable a person to return to, enter, or remain in work lower the cost of nursing, residential, and social care
2.       Lower the danger of falling
3.       Lower the expenses associated with mental illness
4.       Minimise the costs associated with diabetes care
5.       Shorten the length of stay
6.       Realise children's and young people's potential

Types of rehab

Orthopedic and musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Knee Pain

It is a therapeutic healing method that tries to rectify musculoskeletal limits and reduce pain following accident, sickness, or surgery.

Rehabilitative Neurology

Spinal cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease are all frequent illnesses that can cause spasticity, muscular weakness, coordination and balance issues, as well as speech and swallowing difficulties.

Cardiovascular rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention for people with cardiovascular disease or who have had a heart attack that involves health education, risk reduction counselling, physical exercise, and stress management.

Respiratory rehabilitation

A comprehensive intervention based on a thorough patient assessment followed by patient-tailored therapies such as exercise training, education, and behaviour modification to improve the physical and mental status of people with chronic respiratory disease and promote long-term adherence to health-promoting behaviours" is referred to as pulmonary rehabilitation.


Rehabilitation for the Elderly

Aging is marked by a decline in total physiologic performance, which leads to widespread chronic illness and multimorbidity in older persons.

Renal Rehabilitative Care

Although there is currently no evidence that exercise therapy improves vital prognosis or renal outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease, both pre-dialysis and on dialysis, it has been shown to maintain and, in many cases, improve exercise tolerance and, most importantly, improve quality of life in terms of physical function.


Burns rehabilitation

Burn rehabilitation has been found to offer several benefits. Virtual reality using a 3D-surface video game, Xbox Kinect, increased exercise time and patient satisfaction in patients with mild upper limb burns. Robotic gait training has been proven to enhance gait function in individuals suffering from burn injuries.


A robust EMR system goes a long way in providing quality care to SCI patients. With a continuous flow of data within clinics, valuable time is not lost searching for previous reports. More time can be spent on patient care rather than developing and searching patient data files.

This demonstrates that EMR is a critical tool for improving the quality of healthcare in the country. The current electronic health record system allows for "interoperability" within the same healthcare facility or between different branches of the same organization. The growth of information technology is opening new opportunities to improve the quality of health care and make it more accessible to all. Interoperability between different groups of healthcare providers will soon be realized through several government initiatives. By following a predetermined process


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